The slaughterhouse and the cutting factory
Our slaughterhouse and cutting factory are the only one in France to be 100% dedicated to organic poultry.
The poultry are picked up and transported at night to avoid them any stress. The densities in the boxes are established and controlled. The poultry are then placed under a covered and ventilated waiting platform, to protect them from bad weather.
We set up a slaughtering process ensuring a high quality of the product. The poultry are anesthetized before the bleeding; it’s a key point in our system of animal well-being control.
After slaughter, the poultry, intended to be sold as a whole piece, are packaged. The others leave to the cutting factory.
The cutting is manual to ensure an optimal quality for our products.
Some cuts, intended to be sold, are packaged. The others are sent to various partner factories to produce our elaborate products (cured meat products, cordons bleu, poultry burgers…)